Having a chronic syndrome that causes 24/7 pain not to mention all the other not so lovely things that EDS offers causes having a job to support yourself is very very difficult. I think all the time what I could do for an income but it all boils down to working in an office or a place where my wheelchair would be easy to use and at a place where I would need to be dependable to show up during certain hours. That's just not possible for me. I've taken my desire to provide for myself and came up with some ways to make some money. I've not made any money on any ideas, and there are plenty of them, as of yet but I believe the main reason is because you have to let the public know that you have things to sell. Selling on line is not the same as having a store on main street where people see it when they drive by. It's tough not being able to have a job but I am trying!
That's what I want to encourage you with, the trying part. I've had to think way out side of the box for me and through the palpitations, the shortness of breath, the dizziness and brain fog and the pain.... ya'll know..... it's been hard. Rarely do I have the energy to post once I get a product finished but here I am today..... almost having enough energy to concentrate enough not to get frustrated enough that I throw my hands up. If I can do this, even if it's very sporadic, you can do it to!
I've starting making and publishing coloring books and I've started getting some children's stories published that I've bee wanting to do for a long time.
I also have some EDS merch and Christmas merch that I'll be posting soon!
I've published a children's EDS book several years ago.
Also on Kindle as an eBook. You can find that here.
I thought it was time to get some other things published.
So, if you like to color or you know someone who does, take a look at my coloring books I have on Amazon. All you need to do is either click on the link below or go to Amazon.com and just type in my name, Amy Hosp, into the search line and you'll find my books!
I have a promise from God from years ago that if I would just keep writing that writing would fund missions work for me and that I would never need to raise money for missions work. That missions work looks different for me now than it did years ago, but non-the-less I'm still called to go out and teach the Gospel, so here I go stepping out in faith because even though I have been faithful to write, I've not always been faithful to get to the publishing part but it is now easier than ever to do so. Here's to publishing!
This book is a Thanksgiving themed book with a story about the first Thanksgiving that was published back in 1905. There are illustrations for everyone in the family to color.
I hope you enjoy my new project! There's plenty more to come. It's a learning process so if you might find a book or two that is out of print, ignore those they are now updated with a similar book but the old unpublished book stays listed.
I hope you'll find something there for a Christmas gift for someone you love, or hate, I don't care... just if you are buying a coloring book for someone but it from me.
Also on Kindle eBook @ https://amzn.to/3YOANux
This book is a Thanksgiving themed book with a story about the first Thanksgiving that was published back in 1905. There are illustrations for everyone in the family to color.
I hope you enjoy my new project! There's plenty more to come. It's a learning process so if you might find a book or two that is out of print, ignore those they are now updated with a similar book but the old unpublished book stays listed.
I hope you'll find something there for a Christmas gift for someone you love, or hate, I don't care... just if you are buying a coloring book for someone but it from me.

And for the younger crowd here is a fun story I wrote. I think your toddlers will enjoy this one!